FCS II Carver Neo Glass ECO Quad Rear Fins
FCS II Carver Neo Glass ECO Quad Rear Fins

FCS II Carver Neo Glass ECO Quad Rear Fins


FCS offers its brand new range of "EcoBlend" fins composed of a 50% biosourced resin and fiberglass. 

Carver quad rears are ideal for complementing Carver fronts for powerful, extended turns. This set of quad rears excels on waves with walls:

  • The elongated and deep template offers exceptional hold at the bottom and when carving on the face of the wave
  • Ideal for surfers who like to push hard on their fins and perform carve-like turns.

This drift set is recommended for boards with deep concaves and moderate to extreme rockers.

  • MEDIUM (65Kg - 80Kg)